Entertainment of the Month:
- Movies/TV
I have a great love for old movies, especially ones with Bing Crosby or
Frank Sinatra. High Society happens to have both actor/singers, as well as the lovely Grace Kelly, and it is fabulous. In this musical, C.K. Dexter Haven (Bing Crosby) is a jazz musician who was once married to the beautiful socialite Tracy Samantha Lord (Grace Kelly). But they’re divorced, and now she’s all set to marry a different, “safe” man. Dexter is determined to convince his “Sam” that she’s happier with him. Into that whole mess comes the reporter duo of Mike Connor (Frank Sinatra) and Liz Imbrie (Celeste Holm). Things are about to get even more complicated. This film also contains the humor and talents of Louis Armstrong and his band. It has a couple of really fun song and dance routines, and it’s nice and clean.
- Books
To be perfectly honest, I’ve read almost nothing this month. Which is just about the most depressing thing I’ve ever said… I finished 1984 by George Orwell, which I was reading for my Political Science class. Trust me, that book is immensely depressing, and it took me an immensely long time to read. Strange for such a small book. At any rate, I got an excellent grade on the paper I wrote for it. So that was rewarding.
I also finished the last book of the Fate of the Jedi series, Apocalypse, the other night. After getting deeper into weirder and darker things, I was hoping for an exceptionally satisfying conclusion. I didn’t get it. Apocalypse is one long battle, which is exhausting on its own merit. But, though it did technically end in victory, the series left too many loose ends for my liking. It’s a happy ending, but it doesn’t feel particularly happy. Honestly, it makes me regret the three months of valuable and rather scarce reading time I sunk into this series. So, I’m quite annoyed on that account.
I’m actually in the middle of a couple different books, including the autobiography of the great evangelist Billy Graham, Just As I Am. This book is crazy thick, but I’m enjoying it. He’s hilarious and I love reading about how God worked in his ministry.
- Music
"No" (Meghan Trainor) - Anthem Lights – I’m not really into most of Meghan Trainor’s stuff, but this song is actually pretty good. I haven’t heard the original, but I love everything Anthem Lights does, and this is no exception. The video may appeal mostly to people who know the band, but it’s hilarious. And this song is super catchy!
"The River" - Jordan Feliz – This is easily my favorite song on Christian radio right now, talking about the peace of Living Water and prayer.
My Life This Month:
This month has been…weird, honestly. My play ended, which was both good and sad. The whole cast was exhausted and I was struggling to keep up on my schoolwork. Any longer than four weekends would been too much. Yet it was sad to have it be over. This was my first non-church play, and I had an absolute blast. Most of my humor is still linked to the play, two-and-a-half weeks later, which is rather unfortunate when I’m not with castmates… I’m so glad that that was my first community theater experience. It’s good to move on, though. I have plenty to keep me occupied without it.
It’s rather surreal to realize that I only have a little over a month left of school. I mean, goodness, what happened to the semester? Soon I’ll be nannying again, which is a great job, don’t get me wrong. I know I’ll probably miss school, though. But it will be a good break. Trying to plan next fall is a little overwhelming.
I’m trying to learn how to live in the moment. Admittedly, this isn’t an easy concept for me; I tend to overthink everything. But, you know, that’s exhausting; I’m tired of trapping myself in a constant state of worry. It’s counterproductive for me, certainly, but it also hampers my relationships with others. I don’t want to do that. Still, it’s a process.
I went to a Zumba class for the first time last night. A friend wanted me to come with her, so I did, and I had a lot of fun. I’m sore today, and there were parts that were certainly difficult. I’m glad that I went, though. A good step forward in the whole “living in the moment” plan.
Other Web Happenings:
5 Things to Do While You're Still Single | This Incandescent Life
Live Kindly | Kindred Grace – This post has really gotten me thinking about Fair Trade and the things we buy a Christians. I’m still trying to decide what to do with it, though.
How have all of your lives been this month? Busy? Happy? I haven’t gotten to interact with you much. Let me know what you’re up to in the comments. Read any good books, watched interesting movies, or discovered new music?