Sunday, July 31, 2016

Sunday Psalms: Chapters 16, 19, and 20

Sunday Psalms Chap. 16, 19, & 20

Psalm 16:5 “Lord, You have assigned me my portion and my cup; You have made my lot secure.”

Worry really is entirely pointless when I consider Who holds my life in His hands. What good does worry possibly do? Does it change my circumstances? Does it make me a better person? No and no. I either trust God or I don’t.

Yet still I worry.

Perhaps worry is the touch of mortal earth on our immortal souls. Maybe it will never go away entirely while I’m here on Earth. But that doesn’t mean I need to cultivate it. God’s got everything well in hand. He sees every part of my life, the good and the bad, and He has a purpose in all of it. I can trust that, like David, God has “made my cup secure.”

Psalm 19:1-2 “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.”

I think that I often take for granted the living painting all around me. Just think of the variation in the sky: the pastels of morning, the vibrant blue of a summer afternoon, the deep hues of a sunset, the twinkling brilliance of a thousand stars. And yet, so often my gaze is stuck down, worrying about all my little troubles. I have only to look up to be awestruck, to be reminded of my God’s greatness.

Psalm 20:1, 6 “May the Lord answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you…Now I know that the Lord saves His anointed; He answers him from His holy heaven with the saving power of His right hand.”

The first half of this chapter feels like a beautiful benediction. And the thing about benedictions, in my understanding, is that they are blessings given in the knowledge of truth. So, this isn’t merely wishful thinking; this is a series of promises. God will answer you; He will send you help; He will give you the desires of your heart. The second half of the chapter affirms those blessings: the Lord saves and we can trust in Him.

What do these verses say to you? What have you been reading in Scripture lately? Let me know in the comments!


  1. I like the middle one, Psalms 19:1-2.
    To me, creation doesn't just speak of God's glory- it sings.

    1. I love that perspective, Blue! I'm not a very outdoorsy person, and I think I let that limit me sometimes. But there is so much all around us that points to Him. Thanks for commenting!


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